Boost Conversion Rates & Sales With Proven Direct Response Copywriters

Want high-converting direct response copy for your business or marketing agency? You're in the right place.

Finally, Aussie Copywriters Who GET Direct Response

Are you looking to hire a direct response copywriter to boost your conversion rates? Want a pro who’s studied the greats like Bencivenga, Ogilvy, and Halbert? Someone who can direct your customers toward your desired response – whether that’s opening an email, downloading a lead magnet, or booking a consultation?

We’re Todd & Lee Allison, two experienced direct response copywriters based in Melbourne (but we work with clients worldwide). For the past half a decade, we’ve helped businesses generate more conversions, leads, and sales from their VSLs, landing pages, emails and sales funnels. 

Two copywriters sharing an understanding of direct response copywriting.
An archer aiming at a target, trying to hit the bullseye.

Improve Conversions With Direct Response Copywriting

Do your ads or website look ‘pretty’ but get no results? Are you losing potential customers because your copy doesn’t speak to their needs? Want a copywriter who can hit the ‘bullseye’… without breaking the bank or wasting time on guesswork?

Our direct response copy cuts right through the noise in the crowded market. It’s a cost-effective way to improve your messaging, nail your targeting, and get conversion rates that deliver ROI.

A Few Results From Our Direct Response Copywriting:

➡️ Helped an E-commerce business write compelling website copy that kickstarted their growth from 5 figures per month in revenue, to consistently hitting 6 figures per month

➡️ Wrote and designed the most successful Klaviyo campaign ever for a 7-figure per year Ecommerce business (44.5% open rate, 3.5% click-through rate and $9k in revenue)

➡️ Doubled conversions on a landing page for one of Australia’s largest builders using just ONE headline

➡️ Generated as many sales call bookings with our first sales email for a 7-figure coaching business as they’d generated in their previous 7 emails combined

➡️ Wrote a Google Ads landing page for a moving company that exploded their revenue so much they had to hire new staff members and acquire more trucks

➡️ Produced website copy for a medical product that explained a complex subject so clearly the doctor/owner of the business called it “unbelievable” and said he couldn’t have expressed it better himself despite having 25 years of experience

➡️ Re-wrote the landing page copy for a SAAS business that increased its conversion rate by 220%, from 1.5% to 4.8%

5 Top Benefits Of Direct Response Copywriting

1. Increase conversion rates – because every word is written to elicit a response, direct response copy can help you get more opt ins, subscribers, and paying customers.

2. Improve targeting – direct response copy targets pain points and desires of your specific target market, to increase the relevance and impact of your message.

3. Measure results – direct response copy is designed to generate immediate action, which allows you to quickly measure the effectiveness of a campaign.

4. Offers versatility – Direct response copywriting can be applied across email, social media, landing pages, print ads, and more, so you can reach your audience wherever they are most active and engaged.

5. Scale your winners – you can split-test direct response copy alternatives to discover what works with your audience, then scale the top-performing ads.


What Do You Need Written?

We’ve got a combined 8+ years of experience as direct response copywriters, writing a range of different deliverables in more than 100 niches.


  • Landing pages
  • Opt in/squeeze pages
  • Email copy
  • Lead magnets
  • Website copy
  • PPC ads (Google & Meta)
  • VSL scripts


  • Property investment, builders & real estate
  • Coaches & online course creators
  • E-commerce
  • Health
  • Finance & wealth creation
  • Tradies
  • Service-based businesses
  • Business opportunity (Biz opp)

Why Choose The Copy Brothers For Direct Response Copywriting?

A copywriter sitting at a computer completing edits

2 Rounds Of Edits

Feel confident knowing you’ll love the copy, with two rounds of edits included free of charge.

Man and a stopwatch symbolising a copywriting deadline.

Fast Turnaround Times

Because there are two of us, we offer fast turnarounds (5-7 days depending on project size), without cutting corners on quality.

An experienced professional honing their craft.

10+ Years Of Combined Experience

Partner with reliable professionals with a proven track record you can trust.

Two hands shaking on a copywriting deal.

Strictly NO Outsourcing

We write every word of copy ourselves – no outsourcing to less experienced copywriters you never agreed to work with.

Icons showing applications The Copy Brothers use.

Results-Driven Copy

Our razor-sharp direct response copy can help increase conversions, boost sales, and increase your bottom line.

Two signs, one says the easy way and the other says the hard way.

Easy To Work With

We’re friendly, respectful, and ethical too. Just a couple of everyday Aussies who love what we do.

Direct Response Copywriting FAQs

Direct response copywriting is a style of writing that prompts immediate action from the reader. This could be making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or clicking a link.

Direct response copywriting uses clear, compelling language with a strong call to action. For example, an ad might say, “Get 50% off your first order today! Click here to claim your discount,” or “Sign up now to receive exclusive updates and offers!” The goal is to get a quick, measurable response from the audience.

We’ve written direct response copy in pretty much every industry under the sun! But the most common ones we write for are real estate, finance, coaching and consulting, health and ecommerce.

We’re freelance copywriters based in Melbourne, Australia… but we work remotely, so we can service your business from anywhere in the world (hooray for the internet).

Yes, one of us will write the copy (sometimes both of us, if it’s a large project or we want a second set of eyes). We don’t outsource to other copywriters or AI robots. So you can rest easy knowing the person you communicate with will be the one doing the work.

We always ask for examples of writing you like to reduce the chances you’ll be unhappy with our copy. For example, you could send us a previous direct response ad you’ve used that worked well, or emails from another company you like the tone or style of. If we’ve agreed on a set fee for the project, we’ll also include 2 rounds of revisions to ensure you’re fully satisfied.

What People Say About Us

“Todd and Lee are super talented direct response copywriters. Very creative and the copy they came up with was on brand and on point with my customers. Plus they were super easy to work with from start to finish, delivered everything on time and gave me regular updates. Would definitely recommend them.”

Chiragh Dey
Imagineer Group

Hiring Lee and Todd to write your copy is one of the smartest business decisions you’ll ever make. I’ve known them for over 5 years now and their copy is razor sharp, cuts to the bone of your market’s deepest desires, and ultimately converts your traffic into itching-to-buy clients. Whether you need a simple landing page or an advanced sales funnel for a sophisticated audience, the boys will deliver the goods for you.”

Zac Pranskunas
Copy Chief & Managing Director
Direct Results Marketing​

“Todd absolutely NAILED it. The guy is a WEAPON when it comes to copywriting and an absolute pleasure to work with. The writing was compelling, reads well, and straight to the point. No fluff. I 100% recommend Todd. Thank-you thank-you thank-you!”

Mitchell Stone
Invest With Mitch

Ready To Start?

Send us a message using our contact page, or fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch to discuss:

  • What you need written
  • When you need it written by
  • Your budget
  • How we can make it happen